We are always excited to welcome new faces to our community! Whether you’d like to be onstage or off, people of all ages and levels of experience are encouraged to join. The Lakewood Community Theatre strives to provide members of surrounding area a safe environment for personal and educational growth, as well as provide opportunities to unite the creative energies of the community. For those interested in acting in any of our upcoming shows, please read below for more information on our audition schedule and what to expect when auditioning. We also offer audition workshops so you can learn how to put your best foot forward (though they are not required)!


Most auditions are cold reads from the play that the director has selected ahead of time. It is always helpful for anyone who auditions for a show to know the history of the show or about it in some way. No prepared monologues are needed. Head shots are recommended but not necessary and any time conflicts should be known at the time of audition.


Auditions Dates May Change