Sponsorship / Advertisement

We are a 501c3 organization and we rely on ticket sales, donations and sponsorship/advertisement to continue to bring quality dramatic art to our community.

Here's how you can help:

Show Sponsor: $1300.00 per production.  Your logo placed in the program for the length of the production.  Your logo on our website,  social media and in marketing items. 4 tickets for each production.
Licensing Sponsor: $900.00 per production. Your logo placed in the program for the length of the production.  Your logo on our website, social media and in marketing items. 2 tickets for each production.
Script Sponsor:  $150.00 per production. Your logo placed in the program for the length of production. Your logo on our website, social media and in marketing items. 
All sponsorships are tax deductible. 

Program Advertisement:

Program Business Cards: $30.00 one time or $200.00 for a season.
Program Inside Page: $1000.00 for half a page for a season.
Program Backpage: $2000.00 for half a page for a season.
All advertisements will have your logo on our website, social media and in marketing items.

Something For Everyone

in Our 2019 Season:

2211 Old Hickory Blvd Old Hickory, TN  37138
615 847-0934     lakewoodtheatreco@gmail.com